Groove is the single released by the comedy duo (Nerd Vandals) turned music duo known as Jack and Jack. Still in their teens, Jack Johnson and Jack Gilinsky's bond and friendship dates all the way back to the first day of kindergarten.
They have released several single songs. In 2014, their single titled Wild Life (2nd video below) hit #2 on iTunes and #87 on the Billboard Hot 100.
Groove seems to have various quintessential contagious hit pop song qualities going for it and it does indeed groove hard enough that it might just deserve to surpass their previous chart records. The video for the song, below, was directed and edited by Andre LaDon. For those interested, LaDon was kind enough to share the details of how he used used a green screen along with which effects and backgrounds he used to finish the video.
Jack and Jack - Groove
Jack and Jack - Wild Life
Connect direct with Jack and Jack at, and
Connect direct with director Andre LaDon at Twitter.Com/AndreLaDon
This post was originally created on June 20, 2015, with subsequent edits and updates by The Indies Network at TheIndiesNetworkCom, Facebook.Com/TheIndiesNetwork and Twitter.Com/indies