You may have already seen her on The Late Show with David Letterman and she has been in thousands of places between here and there, even playing for heads of state and President Obama. But in this big bad world, artists who travel that wide can still remain too far under the radar. This is just one more little venue for this inspired and gifted jazz bassist and vocalist.
Esperanza Spalding is a breath of fresh air. As a bassist myself, I appreciate any upright players who can sing and play upright at the same time. Esperanza is as sweet and beautiful as she is articulate with her vocals and jazz stylings, as you will see in this local CBS TV interview and performance on a show called The Second Cup Café.
Connect direct with Esperanza Spalding at EsperanzaSpalding.Com, https://twitter.com/EspeSpalding, Instagram.com/esperanzaspalding and Facebook.com/EsperanzaSpalding
A BIG Thank You to CBS for making this video available.
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